Dr. Brianne Bruijns
Post-Doctoral Associate, Adjunct Professor

Dr. Brianne Bruijns serves as a Post-Doctoral Associate in the Child Health and Physical Activity Lab and is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Occupational Therapy. She completed her MSc ('18) and PhD ('21) degrees in the field of Health Promotion at Western University, and completed her undergraduate degree in Physical Education at Brock University ('16). During her SSHRC-funded doctoral studies, her research focused on developing and pilot testing an e-Learning course in physical activity and sedentary behaviour for pre-service early childhood educators to supplement their college/university education (The TEACH Study). As a Post-Doctoral Associate, Brianne oversees the SUNRISE and ME & YOU studies, and provides strategic planning and grant-writing support. Dr. Bruijns' role is coupled with a position as the Report Card Project Manager at ParticipACTION. She loves to travel, and always finds a hiking trail wherever she goes!
Funding: CIHR Health System Impact Fellowship
Email: bbruijns@uwo.ca